Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Mar Del Plata is fun

I want to start by saying thank you to all the people supporting me and for sending their kind wishes. I will need it. Thanks again.

Mar Del Plata is a nice place. Our hotel is near a plaza and there is a lot of activity and people. Strange thing is that the dinner places don't even open before 8 or 8:30pm. Therefore we end up eating at a pizza/pasta cafe instead. Retro Cafe is our favorite and the owner speaks English too. Thanks to coach Aviv for getting the dinner moved up by an hour to 8:30 pm.

At the beginning of every round in under-8 section parents take pictures of their kids in many many poses and with many cameras. This goes on for 10 minutes before and after the round start time. Some players just stall for first 5 - 10 minutes for distractions to settle down. I have being playing extra slow during that time taking up to 10 minutes for first 3-4 moves.

Some Pictures...

Round#1 Under-8 boys section

A street puppet show. This puppet was dancing to Michael Jackson songs.

Round #1 I was white against Sebastian Diaz Donozo from Chile

Round #2 playing with black against Cesar Ramirez from Peru

Round#3 I am white against Jorian Jared Acosta from Colombia

Round#4 starts in at 1pm PST today. Bye.


Ted & Elissa said...

Good luck Tanuj! Go for Gold!

Alan Kirshner said...

Good Luck--I have all the faith in the universe that you can do it!!

Chess is Forever!


Alan Kirshner

Unknown said...

Very well done Tanuj beta! God bless you.

Unknown said...

CONGRATULATIONS TANUJ! Great job, Gold is the way to go. We're proud of you. Lots of love. Renu Aunty